It is amazing what one nice day will do to inspire folks to get out and do some gardening. Around Missoula this weekend the near 50 degree weather got everyone out and it looked like someone kicked the anthill. Hypothetically speaking, no one kicked our anthill, nor the anthill at the native plant garden at 8th and Grant. FYI, that one is getting pretty big, and it moved! It now resides in the shelter of a brush pile we built last year.
Anyway, I digress, the signs of spring are all around and for those looking to foster their gardening thoughts, Saturday is the native plant workshop in Divide hosted by the Calypso Chapter of the Montana Native Plant Society (click here for more information). It is a beautiful drive and there will be lots of great speakers, seeds and native plants for sale. I hope to see you there.
It is FREE, but RSVP to Catherine Cain.